Tuesday, January 10, 2017

#Project365: Wandering North America

Yesterday I mentioned that we have some new artwork pictures of items we are working on, so I'll get to them first. Do you need something to hang your herbs on to dry out?

Here are some domino charm pendants:

I will have more pictures tomorrow of more new creations. Meanwhile, this van was my home for 5 weeks last summer for me. I outfitted one of our vans for camping by insulating it, installing a freezer, coolers, microwave, fans, lights, power inverter, and an air mattress. Hooks and holders were mounted for everything including duffel bags, can opener, coats and jackets (it gets cold in the mountains; especially in Alaska), coolers, and all the cords. While I have traveled fairly extensively in the western U.S., I had never camped on any of those trips. 

The picture above was taken at my first night's campground at Sidie Hollow Campground outside Viroqua, Wisconsin. The scenery was great as shown below.

As it turned out, camping was much more comfortable than I had thought it would be. 

Along State Road 131 in Wisconsin:

I found a nice rest area along I-94 just outside of Black River Falls and discovered a trail leading up a large hill, so I decided to hike up it.

At the top I was rewarded with this view:

Until tomorrow......

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