Wednesday, January 4, 2017

#Project365 Campaign

Hello everyone! Since June introduced me yesterday, I figured I would describe the pictures we will be posting here as part of our #Project365 campaign. Some of the pictures will be nature pictures so as to encourage you to get out in nature and enjoy as much of our beautiful biosphere as you can. Some of the pictures will be projects we have either produced in the past or current projects. Either way, you can look forward to something new regularly now!

My first three pictures (including yesterday's picture) of this year focus on trees. Trees are something very special to me, as I often use wood from trees as part of our art projects and other projects. I also appreciate their shade in the summertime and the oxygen they produce. Their beauty and magnificence might not mean much to someone until he or she visits the Great Plains or desert areas or high mountainous regions above the treeline where there AREN'T many or any trees. Furthermore, I understand how much more important trees are to me now that trees are being devastated worldwide due to a variety of issues including climate change, pollution loading, agriculture, and other human activity.

These two pine trees appear to be touched by the maple branches in this picture:

 Believe it or not, this picture of these maple leaves was taken in JANUARY here in Fort Wayne, Indiana:

This is a "Home is Where The Heart Is" decoration in progress.

Until next time.....

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