Thursday, June 27, 2024

Amicalola Falls

The hiking at Amicalola Falls in Georgia can be strenuous to moderate, depending on whether one climbs the stairs or drives to the top of the falls. I started at the bottom trailhead and made my way up the concrete sidewalk to the base of the falls and then came back to the trailhead to drive up to the top. Then I drove back down to the trailhead at about the midpoint of the drive down the mountain where another trail takes one to the middle of the falls. The first hike was strenuous going up; the latter two hikes were quite easy. The falls are very spectacular and definitely worth the time spent getting to them. Following are the pictures from this hike; to see all the hikes from my most recent trip, go here.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite the waterfall Erik, how long did you spend there? The foliage surrounding it is so lush. I'd imagine it would be a perfect spot to meditate with the sound of flowing water and gentle mist from the falls.
