Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Black Rock Mountain


Black Rock Mountain is Georgia's highest elevation state park, and the beauty here is hard to beat. The overlooks here are breathtaking, and sometimes even when one can't see very well into the distance (most mornings when it is foggy), the view is still awesome. I was able to capture some great moments during one of those times where the fog enhanced the view. This is favorite park and I have many pictures from here on multiple trips. I didn't take many pictures here this time since I already have so many pictures from the various attractions from previous trips. Most of these pictures are from the Cowee Overlook (above) and the others are from around the campsite.


  1. Beautiful pictures, looks much like it must have looked a hundred years ago. I like to imagine what places were like 100 or 200 years ago, before logging, before hunting wiped out so much wildlife. Thank you for the photos.

  2. Haha, I'm not a blogger, but I posted the above comment.
