Friday, June 2, 2017

Project365: Special Edition - Gatlinburg, part 2

Today, I will highlight the area around the Park Vista Hotel. Since the fires occurred in late November, some of the damage such as burned-out cars, loose electrical power lines, and other infrastructure has been cleared. Some buildings have been razed to the ground and nothing but empty parking lots and concrete slabs remain. However, many burnt houses and cabins still remain. While most of Gatlinburg did escape the fires; especially along the main drag through town, many parts suffered total devastation. As I did further research to see if my own pictures detailed a good portion of the damage, the only area that I did not go into was the Ober Gatlinburg Area. Many chalets, homes, cabins, and resort facilities in that area suffered extensive destruction. Many others before me have likewise detailed before and after pictures and videos, so I'm keeping these entries as more of a personal story. Park Vista has served as a point of interest for many years since it overlooks most of the Gatlinburg Area.

The hotel itself escaped most damage, although wooden items on the grounds were destroyed.

Many of the trees which got scorched from burning duff and leave litter on the ground will survive although some trees are not leafing out except for the very tops of their crowns and probably will not survive the summer.

Now for a couple "before" pictures:

As you can see, the hillside leading up to the Park Vista had many cabin resorts; not one of them remains now:

Many ridge tops were burnt severely and the trees are dead:

Upon leaving the Park Vista area and returning to the Downtown Area, I witnessed more destruction:

Now for a couple of "before" shots:

Here are the "after" versions:

The fires hopped, skipped, and jumped over places; here an entire house burnt to the ground and yet it left the fence standing:

Tomorrow I will highlight the Roaring Fork Nature Trail.

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